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Diploma in Computer Aided Fashion Designing

Objective: Given the need for documented information necessary for development of the  curricula of the Fashion Design and Technology and Textile Design departments, this study will establish the following two research areas: The  first area is to establish the use of computer technology in relation to product development in the field of textile and fashion design and manufacture. This can be achieved by researching the following: * The development of computer technology in the past five years globally. * The development of computer technology in the past five years in South Africa. * The future of computer technology in the South African textile industry. * The type of computer hardware and software used. * The reasons for specific computer hardware and software being used.10The  second area that needs to be investigated, relates to the CAD literacy and computer design skills the industry needs. The prospective students the industry might employ should then: * Be provided with training relative to what the industry requires. * Be trained in accordance with job market requirements. Those students will then contribute to the growth and development of the textile industry. 

Duration: 1 Year

Eligibility: High School or equivalent

Course Detail: 

Semester I : 

Fashion illustration, Garment Construction, Pattern Making, Textile Science.

Semester II :

Merchnadising, Computre Surface ornamentation, CAD, Project.

Exit Profile: After Completion of this Course from ITRC, You can start working as a Fashion Designer

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